MADANI Smart Automation Grant (SAG MADANI)
MIDA (Malaysian Investment Development Authority)

Maximum Grant RM1Mil
Grant Amount :
Type of Grant :
Status :
Agency :
MIDA (Malaysian Investment Development Authority)
The MADANI Smart Automation Grant (SAG MADANI) was introduced under the MADANI Economy initiatives in August 2023.
Under the SAG MADANI scheme, the Government has allocated RM100 million.
The SAG MADANI will be provided on a matching basis (70:30) based for eligible expenditures, with a maximum grant of Ringgit Malaysia One Million (RM1,000,000) per company.
a) Supporting and assisting Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to automate and digitalise their operations and production processes.
b) Enhancing productivity and efficiency in the manufacturing and service sectors.
c) Creating employment opportunities in high-value-added sectors.
d) Stimulating domestic investment
Applications received by the Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) from 10 November 2023 until 31 December 2023 will be eligible for consideration for this grant.
The company must engage in the following activities:
Incorporated under the Companies Act, 2016
Effective equity of the company must be at least 51% owned by Malaysians
The company possesses a valid Business Licence from a Local Authority
Grant of maximum amount up to RM 1,000,000 with 70% matching grant
The company has been in operation for at least 3 years
The company must engage in the following activities: Manufacturing activity and. Services activities
Eligible for MSMEs
The company must meet at least two (2) of the Committed Deliverables
The company must engage in the following activities:
i. Manufacturing activity in compliance with the Industrial Co-ordination Act, 1975;
ii. Services activities that is governed/supervised by relevant ministries/agencies in the following area:
Hotel and Tourism;
Private Healthcare;
Private Education;
Oil & Gas Services;
Global Establishment
Principal Hub/Global Services Hub;
R&D Activities;
Logistics Services; or
Other Services
-Ship Building Ship Repair
-Green Technology Project -Business Purpose
-Sterilisation Services
-Digital Infrastructure
-Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul for Aerospace