Business Accelerator Programme for Indian Small Business
SME Corporation Malaysia

Maximum Grant RM100,000
Grant Amount :
Type of Grant :
Advertising, E-Commerce, Machinery, Software, Certification
Status :
Agency :
SME Corporation Malaysia
Business Accelerator Programme for Indian Small Business (I-BAP) is an integrated assistance programme aimed to enhance the capabilities of small-sized companies through business advisory services and financial support. This programme supports a wide range of capability building initiatives to assist MSMEs grow and expand their business locally and globally.
Type of Assistance
Matching grant 50% of the eligible expenses (maximum RM100,000)
Project Scope
Acquisition of Machineries & Equipment (Productivity & Automation)
ICT Adoption & E-Commerce
ESG (Environment, Social & Governance) Adoption
Product Certification
Advertising & Promotion (limited to RM50,000 only)
Eligibility Criteria
Having a valid MSME Status Certificate
Annual sales turnover exceeds RM300,000 per year
At least 60% of local Indian ownership
Having a valid Business Premise License from Local Authorities
At least 12 months in operations from the date of application
Major / common shareholders in 2 or more Private Limited Companies are only eligible to submit 1 application
Enterprise owned by the same owner in 2 or more enterprises (sole proprietorship or partnership) are only eligible to submit one application
Companies that have received BAP 3.0 grants are not eligible to apply
The same project that has been approved under any programme by SME Corp. Malaysia is not eligible
Open to all economic sectors EXCEPT sectors related to primary agriculture, financial, insurance, real estate, and securities trading sectors (priority will be given to the high growth industries)
Basic Application Documents
Superform document from SSM
Business Premise License from Local Authorities
Audited Financial Statement for the last 3 years or the latest management accounts
Bank statements for the last 3 months
2 quotations from preferred and comparison supplier