MIDA (Malaysian Investment Development Authority)

Maximum Grant RM500K
Grant Amount :
Type of Grant :
Status :
Agency :
MIDA (Malaysian Investment Development Authority)
The Domestic Investment Accelerator Fund (DIAF) – ESG Adoption is a matching grant for ESG adoption that was introduced to support Malaysian-owned Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Mid-Tier Companies (MTCs) in the manufacturing and selected services sectors for the transition into ESG practices.
The grant is given on a matching basis of either 50:50 or 70:30 based on a case-to-case basis with a maximum reimbursable amount of RM500,000 per company.
To facilitate and assist SMEs and MTCs to transition into ESG practices through validation and verification of ESG adoption, certification, disclosures, as well as for the subscription of technology system/ software for the purpose of ESG tracking and data collections;
To ensure Malaysian SMEs and MTCs remain relevant and competitive in the global supply chain and to have the opportunity to be part of the ecosystem for sustainable investment projects; and
To enhance the SMEs' and MTCs’ prospects for ESG-mandated funds from financial institutions, venture capital and private equity firms.
The company must be incorporated under the Companies Act, 2016. Effective equity ownership of the company must be at least 51% Malaysians. The company possesses a valid Business Licence from the respective Local Authority.
The companies must engage/ undertake any of the following activities:-
Manufacturing activities where the company must possess a valid Manufacturing Licence (ML) from MITI or the Confirmation Letter for Exemption from ML from MIDA in compliance with the Industrial Coordination Act, 1975; or
Services activities that are governed/ supervised by relevant ministries/ agencies in the following areas: - a) Hotel and Tourism; b) Private Healthcare; c) Private Education; d) Oil & Gas Services; e) Global Establishment - Principal Hub/Global Services Hub; f) R&D Activities; g) Logistics Services; or h) Other Services: - i. Ship Building Ship Repair; ii. Green Technology Project - Business Purpose; iii. Sterilisation Services; iv. Digital Infrastructure; and v. Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul for Aerospace.
The company has been in operation for at least 3 years.
Note: All SMEs and MTCs must be entities registered with the Companies Commission of Malaysia; and